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Download our guide to Growing More by Doing Less - 5 Ways to Adopt a "Less is More" Approach

Ready to take the next step in your business by saying no, getting focused and sparking growth?

Free workbook download for finding and stopping your least valuable marketing tactics

Ready to grow your business faster with a streamlined tactical plan that maximizes your investments?


Do you want to confidently prioritize your time, energy and money to grow your business faster? Invest 7 minutes and we'll show you how.

From Chaos to Clarity: Your Guide to Mastering Marketing Strategy, Link to YouTube for Training Video

Are you tired of rewriting your marketing messages without seeing tangible results? We'll show you how to get confident in your marketing strategy with practical tips and tools.

Blog Articles

Do you want to attract more customers who act (and buy) like your loyal customers? Do you know what those loyal customers believe about your brand? What about your prospects?

Understanding the perception gap between your customers and your prospects is key to accelerating revenue growth. Learn how to apply this data-driven approach to your marketing and fuel your growth.

Read Article
Suited hand between falling dominos and standing dominos, on teal blue background

Is the current economic climate increasing the pressure you feel to find topline growth in your business? Are you trying to do more with your limited resources?

Let me invite you to STOP.  It’s often doing less, that helps us grow more. In this article we cover 4 things to stop doing today, so you and your team can get aligned and grow your business faster.

Do you have trouble getting (and keeping) alignment on your growth goals? Would you be interested to know a simple framework that turns marketing jargon into plain English?

Read on to learn the four ways businesses can drive revenue growth. And how you can apply this framework to grow your business faster with a focused, aligned, and confident team.

Is developing your team a key lever in your plan to accelerate business growth this year? Are you stressed and dealing with limited resources? Adopting a coaching mindset could be the answer.

In this article, Karyn Mangia, VP of Customer and Market Insights at Salesforce and our very own Melissa Jacobs discuss the shift from leading as a manager to leading as a coach.

Finding new and inspiring insights with a market research project is only half the battle to delivering an ROI and making a difference for the business. 


Read on to learn the additional 3 steps that must happen, after the report is delivered, for an ROI to exist. Take a quick quiz to assess the complexity of your project. 

A Tale of Two Studies: Two Breakthrough Insights. Two Very Different Results.

Influencing others to make decisions is a key step in the strategy and innovation process.  Without understanding and accepting new insights, no action will occur.

Read on to hear about two real-life examples of complex research projects. One where the insights changed the course of an advertising campaign. And one where the insights got stuck in a sea of stakeholders.

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Melissa Jacobs, CEO and Lead Strategist at Crow & Pitcher LLC

About the Author

Melissa Jacobs is the CEO and Lead Strategist at Crow and Pitcher LLC, a Brand Strategy and Insights Consultancy. B2C businesses hire Crow & Pitcher to gain a new level of clarity on how to target their ideal client and stop wasting time and money on efforts that aren’t effectively impacting their bottom line.